CORE Awarded EV Charging Station Grant
When looking at the EV Charging Station map of Colorado, there is a void in Elbert County. This gap may begin to be filled with a successful grant application from CORE. The Charge Ahead Colorado grant program has awarded CORE $124,000 to support the installation of 8 EV chargers in CORE’s service area.
Two of the proposed locations are in Elbert County. Both Level II charging stations will be placed at or near Town Hall in Elizabeth and Kiowa. “We were pleased to work collaboratively with CORE in identifying prospective charging station locations in Elbert County,” shared Marc Dettenrieder, Elbert County Economic Development Manager. Other planned EV charging locations in CORE’s franchised communities include Grant, Deer Trail, Bennett, Woodland Park, Larkspur, and Castle Rock.
Charge Ahead Colorado provides grant funding for community-based Level II and Level III DC fast-charging (DCFC) electric vehicle charging stations. The objectives of Charge Ahead Colorado are to improve air quality, reduce transportation emissions and increase the adoption of electric vehicles across Colorado. CORE’s application was a strategic proposal to help EV drivers travel through the rural by-ways within the region, aiding local economic development by enhancing travel options for tourists in EVs.
The chargers are being built with a combination of grant dollars and CORE funding. CORE has stated that charging will be free for a period of time and eventually converting to market rate services. There is currently a 6–10-month deployment schedule for this project.